Rate yourself for each statement. Not at all like A little like Somewhat like Mostly like Very Much like
1) I am energetic.
2) I enjoy planning.
3) I strive to improve my knowledge.
4) I give up easily when things get difficult
5) I learn through movement.
6) I am even-minded.
7) I enjoy learning through touch.
8) I can't concentrate if there are distractions.
9) I finish what I begin.
10) I get plenty of physical activity
11) I appreciate beauty in art, nature, and music.
12) My mind works in original and creative ways.
13) I don't have a good posture.
14) I always follow constructive guidance.
15) I am tolerant with people even when I disagree with them.
16) I don’t have problems getting up in the morning.
17) I don't think about the reasons for my behavior.
Not at all like A little like Somewhat like Mostly like Very Much like
18) I am forgetful.
19) I have a very healthy diet.
20) I am generous with my time and belongings.
21) I can tell when something is right or wrong.
22) I use humor to lighten overly serious situations.
23) I work well with others.
24) I don't always stand up for what I believe is true.
25) I resist behavior that isn’t good for me or others.
26) I express my gratitude to those who help me.
27) I respond to challenges with initiative.
28) I cultivate feelings of peace, joy, and love.
29) I don’t enjoy bathing or brush my teeth
30) I like puzzles.
31) I work to keep my body flexible and agile.
32) I don't tell the truth.